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Corso Laravel orientato alla Certificazione Laravel di Certification for Laravel
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1 - Intro al Corso "Come preparare la certificazione Laravel" (2:54)
2 - Concetti Architetturali e Ciclo di Vita di una Request (3:55)
3 - Routing (8:16)
4 - Controllers Middleware (11:33)
5 - Migrations, Seeders, Query builder (17:44)
6 - Creazione di View, Passare dati alle view, View composer (8:58)
7 - Validation Rules, Custom Validation Rules, Error Messages, Form Requests (13:33)
8 - API Resources (19:41)
9 - Collections (6:10)
10 - Helpers (4:17)
11 - Package Development (5:58)
13 - Executing, Generating and Registering Commands (9:56)
14 - Configuration Drivers, Custom Filesystems, Storing / Retrieving Files (8:38)
15 - Creating Custom Drivers (5:54)
16 - Authenitaction, Authorization, Encryption, CSRF Protection (16:09)
17 - Dispatching Events and Listeners (7:43)
18 - Creating / Dispaching Jobs and Drivers Configurations (7:04)
Codice Sconto LaraMind ACCESSO ESAME UFFICIALE Laravel
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3 - Routing
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